What I do not like
The first thing that one faces when trying to use Clojure is the difficulty in installing it. The downloads page only lists a few zip files, without saying anything about how to use them. (Sure, there is a Readme file, but I would have like to know something more before downloading anything.) In comparison, the Downloads page of Scala is much better in shape, and a number of pre-built packages are provided. Moreover, Scala is included in Macports, while Clojure is not. Once the ZIP file has been uncompressed, the Readme file is extremely laconic: it just reports the command required to run/build Clojure. Since the REPL has no editing facilities (i.e. you cannot use Backspace/delete to modify what you have written, and there is no history), I would have expected some reference to jLine or rlwrap as these can really save you the day.In general, Clojure shows its young age in a number of other spots. The documentation is quite sparse, and you often have to look at the source code of some function in order to understand its behavior. Many tools I regularly use for source code (e.g. Vim, Source-highlight and others) do not have native support for Clojure (although you can usually find something in the Web - I find VimClojure one of the best Vim plugins I have ever seen, the "rainbow parentheses" mode is incredibly useful!).
What I like
Being a LISP dialect, Clojure can be extremely elegant. Here is some code I wrote to solve problem 34 from Project Euler.A few things worth to note:
- Clojure implements a large number of high-level data structures, like dictionaries. I used the latters in fast-fact, a dictionary whose keys are the 10 digits and whose values are the corresponding factorials.
- It is really easy to call Java functions like toString: just prepend them with a dot. No need to import modules to do this!
- Although Clojure is a dynamically typed language (like e.g. Python), it allows to specify the type of the input parameters for functions and let bindings. I have verified that this allows to dramatically increase the speed of the code (3x or 4x times).
- Like Python, Clojure allows to use docstrings. They can be accessed from the REPL through the doc function.
Python vs. Clojure
Since I am an avid Python user, I immediately rewrote the program in Python:I tried to follow the same logic used in the Clojure program, i.e. using a dictionary for the first 10 factorials and getting the list of digits for a number by first converting it to a string (an alternative would be to repeatedly apply division and modulus 10). Then, using the Clojure time function and the IPython %time command, I was able to record the times used by each program. In order to get sounder values, I repeated each measurement till the timing did not change significatively any more.

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